What is an Email Alias and How to Use It to Protect Your Privacy

What is an Email Alias and How to Use It to Protect Your Privacy

By NotMyRealEmail

In today's digital age, our actions and data are constantly being tracked, making us vulnerable to spam, fraud, and data breaches. Stories of major data breaches and spam attempts are becoming all too common. An email alias is a simple yet powerful tool that can significantly enhance your digital security. Here's everything you need to know about email aliases and why they should be a key part of your online privacy strategy.

What is an Email Alias?

An email alias is a unique email address that forwards emails to your main inbox, keeping your real email address hidden. To an outsider, an alias looks like an independent mailbox. This provides numerous benefits for maintaining your privacy and security online.

Benefits of Using Email Aliases

Enhanced Online Privacy Email aliases allow you to "dilute" your online presence by creating different aliases for various purposes. Use one alias for newsletters, another for social media, and another for e-commerce sites. If one alias gets compromised, the others remain safe.

Example: John uses different aliases for social media, online shopping, and newsletters. When his shopping alias starts receiving spam, he knows exactly where the breach occurred and takes action without affecting his other accounts.

Tip: Regularly monitor your aliases and deactivate any that become compromised.

Spam Management Email aliases make it easy to manage and track your emails. If an alias starts receiving spam, you can easily identify the source and take action without affecting your main inbox.

Example: Sarah creates a unique alias for each online service she uses. When she starts receiving spam on one alias, she knows which service leaked her email and can disable that alias.

Tip: Use specific aliases for each service to quickly identify and stop spam sources.

Enhanced Anonymity In a world where personal data is extremely valuable, maintaining anonymity is crucial. Email aliases ensure your real email address is never exposed, preventing it from being linked to your various online accounts.

Example: Mike uses email aliases to create separate addresses for all his online accounts. This way, his real email address is never exposed, ensuring his privacy remains intact.

Tip: Always use aliases when signing up for new services to protect your primary email address.

Phishing Protection By using different aliases for different services, it's easier to spot phishing attempts. If you receive an email to an alias that you never shared with the purported sender, it's a clear red flag.

Example: Emma receives an email from her "bank" on an alias she never used with them. She immediately recognizes it as a phishing attempt and deletes it.

Tip: Create aliases specific to each service to quickly identify phishing emails.

Traceable and Manageable Tracing the source of a data leak becomes simple with email aliases. If an alias starts receiving spam, you can quickly identify and address the source of the leak.

Example: Kevin starts getting spam on one of his aliases. He checks his records and finds out which service leaked his email, then deactivates that alias.

Tip: Keep a log of your aliases and the services they're associated with for easy management.

Repeat Promo Code Access By using temporary email aliases, frequent shoppers can sign up for new accounts or newsletters multiple times to take advantage of first-time buyer promo codes.

Example: Lily loves shopping online and often finds first-time buyer promo codes. She uses different aliases each time she shops at her favorite stores, allowing her to repeatedly access these discounts.

Tip: Create new aliases for each shopping site to maximize your access to promo codes and discounts.

How to Create an Email Alias

Creating an email alias depends on the email service you use. Here's a general guide:

  1. Sign Up: Choose an email service provider that supports aliases.
  2. Create Aliases: Follow the provider’s instructions to generate new aliases.
  3. Manage Aliases: Use the provider’s tools to manage, filter, and deactivate aliases as needed.

Why Use NotMyRealEmail for Email Aliases?

While many email services offer basic alias functionality, NotMyRealEmail provides a comprehensive and user-friendly solution tailored for privacy-conscious users. Here's why NotMyRealEmail is the best choice for creating and managing email aliases:

Enhanced Privacy and Security NotMyRealEmail ensures your primary email address remains hidden, protecting you from spam, phishing, and data breaches.

Easy Management NotMyRealEmail offers an intuitive dashboard to easily create, manage, and deactivate aliases as needed.

Flexible and Versatile Generate multiple aliases for different purposes and manage them effortlessly from one place.

Dedicated Support Get help when you need it with NotMyRealEmail’s responsive customer support.

How to Get Started with NotMyRealEmail

  1. Sign Up: Visit NotMyRealEmail and create an account.
  2. Create Aliases: Generate as many aliases as you need for different purposes.
  3. Manage Aliases: Easily manage, filter, and deactivate aliases from your NotMyRealEmail dashboard.


Email aliases are a powerful tool for protecting your online privacy and managing your digital footprint. By using different aliases for different purposes, you can reduce spam, enhance anonymity, and safeguard your primary email address from potential threats. NotMyRealEmail offers a superior solution for creating and managing email aliases, providing enhanced privacy, easy management, and dedicated support. Start using NotMyRealEmail today to take control of your digital identity and protect your online privacy.