Can email aliases be used for repeat promo code access?

Can email aliases be used for repeat promo code access?

By NotMyRealEmail

We've all been there – eagerly waiting for that special email from your favorite online store, announcing a limited-time promo code. You click on it, only to realize you’ve already used one before, and now you’re out of luck. It's like being handed a golden ticket, only to have it snatched away just as you reach the entrance. But what if there was a way to get another chance without breaking the rules? This is where email aliases come into play. They’re not just a clever trick for the tech-savvy; they can be a game-changer for anyone who loves a good deal.

Email aliases might sound a bit technical, but they’re actually quite simple and incredibly useful. Think of them as digital disguises for your email address, allowing you to create variations without setting up entirely new accounts. This can be especially handy for managing newsletters and subscriptions, and yes, for getting your hands on those coveted promo codes multiple times.

Understanding Email Aliases

Email aliases are like having multiple outfits for different occasions, all while being the same person underneath. They let you create different versions of your main email address. For example, if your email is, you could use or These aliases direct emails to your main inbox but help you organize and manage your email traffic more efficiently.

For a deeper dive into setting up and using email aliases, check out our detailed guides on What are Email Aliases and How do email aliases work.

The Benefits of Using Email Aliases

Email aliases aren’t just a novelty; they offer real benefits that can enhance your online experience.

Enhanced Privacy and Security

When you use an alias, you’re adding a layer of protection between your personal email and the outside world. It's like having a P.O. box instead of giving out your home address. If you start getting spammed, you can simply deactivate the alias and keep your primary email safe and clean. You can also use different aliases for different purposes, making it easier to identify and block unwanted senders. For more information on how email aliases can help protect your privacy, check out our article on What are the privacy advantages of using an email alias.

Improved Inbox Organization

With email aliases, you can easily sort and filter incoming emails. It's as if you have different mail slots for different types of mail, ensuring they all go into their properly sorted basket so that you understand what's a priority and what isn't. Newsletters go into one slot, shopping deals into another, and personal emails into a third. This keeps your inbox tidy and helps you find important emails faster. In order to learn more about how NotMyRealEmail can help you create and manage email aliases, check out our article on How does NotMyRealEmail help you create and manage email aliases.

Multiple Promo Codes

Now, here’s the part that really sparks interest. Many websites limit promo codes to one per email address. By using aliases, you can bypass this restriction and enjoy multiple discounts. It's like having a magic key that works multiple times, allowing you to enjoy your favorite deals over and over again.

Imagine you’re shopping for holiday gifts. You’ve already used a promo code to get a discount on the first round of purchases. But there’s more you want to buy, and another promo code would really help. Instead of waiting for the next sale, you can use an email alias to get another promo code. Simply sign up with instead of your regular You’ll receive a new promo code, and your savings continue to stack up.

Additional Perks for Frequent Shoppers

Often alongside those "first time buyer" promotional offers, there are also referral benefits for getting a new customer to sign up and make their first purchase. Typically the expectation here is that you will invite your friends and family to shop at the same store, and in return, you both receive a small discount on your next purchase. Well, with email aliases, you are now your own best friend and family member. You can refer yourself, and take advantage of both discount offers. This is a great way to save money on your purchases, and it's all thanks to the power of email aliases.


Email aliases are a powerful tool that can make your online experience more secure, organized, and economical. Whether you’re managing multiple subscriptions or hunting for the best deals, they offer a simple yet effective way to stay ahead. So why not give them a try and see how much smoother your online life can be?

If you'd like to give using email aliases a shot, sign up for your free NotMyRealEmail account today and start exploring the possibilities. Your inbox will thank you!