Keep Your Email Address Private

Stay anonymous and protect your privacy with Not My Real Email - create secure email aliases effortlessly and keep your real address safe from spammers and scammers!

Get Started Today!

4000+ aliases created

Product demo

Email spam & scams are on the rise

Signing up for newsletters, social media sites, and online shopping platforms with your real email address makes you vulnerable to spam and scams.


How does NotMyRealEmail work?


1. Register using your primary Gmail account

By registering directly through Gmail, we're able to trust that your primary email address is valid and operational without the need to go through extensive verification processes.

Create Alias

2. Create new aliases to mask your primary address

Generate new email aliases for each online interaction, ensuring that your primary email address remains secure and protected.

All of the emails sent to your alias will be forwarded to your primary inbox, allowing you to keep track of all your online interactions.

Monitor Alias

3. Monitor your aliases for unwanted activity

Keep track of your email activity and manage your aliases with ease through our user-friendly dashboard.

Use our user friendly dashboard to keep track of where your email aliases are being used and keep track of any unwanted sources.

Disable leaked aliases

4. Shut off aliases with leaks or spam

If you notice an alias is receiving spam or unwanted emails, you can easily shut it off and create a new one.

By shutting off an alias, you can prevent any further unwanted emails from reaching your primary inbox.


Start protecting your email today

Starter Plan

Get started using 5 aliases with usage tracking and a 7 day free trial



  • Masked Emails
  • Usage Tracking
  • Disable Email Forwarding
  • Chrome Extension
  • Ephemeral Emails
  • Custom Aliases
  • Multiple Email Destinations

Basic Plan

Protect and organize you inbox with 10 aliases, usage tracking, ephemeral emails, and custom aliases



  • Masked Emails
  • Usage Tracking
  • Disable Email Forwarding
  • Chrome Extension
  • Ephemeral Emails
  • Custom Aliases
  • Multiple Email Destinations

Unlimited Plan

Secure your inbox entirely with unlimited addresses that you get to pick and unlock all new features



  • Masked Emails
  • Usage Tracking
  • Disable Email Forwarding
  • Chrome Extension
  • Ephemeral Emails
  • Custom Aliases
  • Multiple Email Destinations

Free Plan

Try the service out with 2 address for free



  • Masked Emails
  • Usage Tracking
  • Disable Email Forwarding
  • Chrome Extension
  • Ephemeral Emails
  • Custom Aliases
  • Multiple Email Destinations


Frequently Asked Questions