Why You Should Stop Using Your Real Email Address Online

Why You Should Stop Using Your Real Email Address Online

By James Ebentier

In today’s digital world, our email addresses have become the gateway to our personal information, professional life, and social interactions. While it’s convenient to use a single email address for all your online activities, this practice can expose you to significant risks. Here’s why you should stop using your real email address online and how you can protect yourself with email aliases.

The Risks of Using Your Real Email Address Online

1. Spam Overload

One of the most common issues with using your real email address online is the inevitable influx of spam. Signing up for newsletters, promotions, and various online services often leads to your email address being sold or shared, resulting in a cluttered inbox filled with unwanted emails. This can make it difficult to manage important communications and reduce your overall productivity.

2. Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are a prevalent cyber threat where attackers send fraudulent emails to trick you into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers. By using your real email address online, you increase the likelihood of being targeted by these scams. Phishing emails often appear legitimate, making them hard to distinguish from genuine communications.

3. Data Breaches

Data breaches have become all too common, with millions of email addresses and other personal information being exposed regularly. When you use your real email address for online accounts, you risk having your personal information compromised in a breach. This can lead to identity theft, financial loss, and other serious consequences.

4. Privacy Invasion

Your email address can reveal a lot about you, including your name, affiliations, and interests. Using your real email address online can lead to privacy invasion, where marketers, hackers, and even malicious individuals can track your online activities, build profiles, and target you with unwanted content or scams.

How Email Aliases Work

Email aliases are alternative email addresses that forward messages to your primary email account. They allow you to receive emails without revealing your real email address. By creating different aliases for various online activities, you can compartmentalize your online presence and enhance your security and privacy.

Benefits of Using Email Aliases

1. Enhanced Privacy

Email aliases help keep your real email address private. This means that your primary email remains hidden from marketers, spammers, and potential cyber-criminals. By using aliases, you can control who has access to your real email address.

2. Reduced Spam

With email aliases, you can use different addresses for different purposes, such as one for newsletters, another for shopping, and another for social media. If one alias starts receiving too much spam, you can simply disable it without affecting your main email account.

3. Better Organization

Managing multiple online accounts becomes easier with email aliases. You can sort and filter emails based on the alias they were sent to, keeping your inbox organized and clutter-free. This also helps you prioritize important communications over less critical ones.

4. Increased Security

By using email aliases, you can minimize the risk of phishing attacks. Since your real email address is not exposed, it becomes harder for attackers to target you. Additionally, if an alias is compromised, your primary email remains secure.

Practical Applications of Email Aliases

Email aliases can be used in various scenarios to enhance privacy and security:

  • Newsletters and Promotions: Use a specific alias for signing up for newsletters and promotional offers. This way, you can easily manage and filter these emails without cluttering your primary inbox.
  • Online Shopping: Create an alias for online shopping accounts to keep your purchase confirmations and shipping notifications separate from other communications.
  • Social Media Accounts: Protect your privacy on social media by using an alias for account registrations. This prevents social media platforms from linking your real email address to your online profile.
  • Professional and Personal Separation: Use different aliases for professional and personal communications. This helps you maintain a clear boundary between work and personal life.

How to Get Started with Email Aliases

Getting started with email aliases is simple. Many email providers offer alias services, and there are also dedicated services that allow you to create and manage multiple aliases easily. Here’s a basic step-by-step guide:

  1. Choose a Service: Select an email provider or a dedicated alias service that supports email aliases.
  2. Create Aliases: Set up different aliases for various online activities. Most services allow you to create and manage aliases from your primary email account.
  3. Forwarding Settings: Ensure that emails sent to your aliases are correctly forwarded to your primary email account.
  4. Update Online Accounts: Start using your new aliases when signing up for online accounts, newsletters, and services.


In an era where online security and privacy are paramount, using your real email address for all online activities is risky. By adopting email aliases, you can protect your personal information, reduce spam, and maintain a cleaner, more organized inbox. Make the switch today and experience the benefits of enhanced privacy and security.